Here at Mission Prep, we offer comprehensive and personalized treatment for depression in adolescence. We begin by conducting a thorough assessment, which includes an evaluation of our clients’ anecdotal, family history, and dynamics. We use the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) assessment to evaluate if our clients have experienced sexual or emotional trauma, or family members struggling with mental health.


Here at Mission Prep, we offer comprehensive and personalized treatment for depression in adolescence. We begin by conducting a thorough assessment, which includes an evaluation of our clients’ anecdotal, family history, and dynamics. We use the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) assessment to evaluate if our clients have experienced sexual or emotional trauma, or family members struggling with mental health.


Mission Prep treats depression in teens by looking at its impact on our clients’ daily lives, including their sleep, diet, nutrition, energy levels, and cognition. We evaluate how depression affects our clients, such as making them sleep more, causing isolation from family and friends, or causing physical issues.

To create a strong foundation for treatment, we work with our clients to build new healthy habits, but we understand that depression can create a lack of motivation and overall feelings of heaviness. We utilize early light exposure and fresh air, which is known to be an effective tool for managing and helping depression. We also encourage gentle movement and hold sessions in the fresh air and sunlight for them which has been known to help in multiple areas in treatment for depression in adolescence.


Depression creates a sense of hopelessness and numbness around the present and future. We work to instill a sense of hope, connection, and belonging by assessing our clients’ thoughts and feelings before depression symptoms manifested. We help our clients feel a sense of community and mitigate feelings of isolation or loneliness through group sessions and taking contrary action with CBT strategies.

We help our clients learn to show up, try, and set attainable goals. We create a space and environment where clients can make choices that aren’t dictated by depression and navigate through their environment, even if it never changes. We help our clients find something they are passionate about and expose them to opportunities to experience hope.

We also work closely with families to help them understand how depression shows up for their child and how they can navigate when their teen is struggling. We provide parents with the tools to communicate with their child when they are experiencing depression and to see that their child is separate from what they are struggling with.

Mission Prep is committed to providing comprehensive and effective treatment for depression in adolescence. Our personalized approach emphasizes understanding each individual and creating a strong foundation for lasting results.



Our facilities are an important part of the treatment process at Mission Prep. We believe it’s critical for our clients to have a safe and welcoming environment to build the tools they need to facilitate healing. Our modern and welcoming homes provide stability for adolescents who need a healthy place to develop and practice strategies to help lay the foundation for sustainable healing.