What’s Driving Teen Mental Health Challenges? Mission Prep Weighs In

Mission Prep and Aja Chavez recently shared insights on the growing mental health challenges facing teenagers today. The discussion explored key factors contributing to the crisis, including social media influence, academic pressures, and the lingering effects of the pandemic.

At Mission Prep, we are committed to providing young people with the tools and support they need to navigate mental health struggles. We strive to advocate for better resources and intervention strategies to ensure teens receive the care they deserve.

Stay tuned for more moments when our team is featured in the press!

support group for children with divorced parents

How to Support a Child Through Divorce

Supporting a Child Through Divorce On your wedding day, you likely never foresaw things turning out like this. But you’re not alone. Divorce is a reality for many families. In actual fact, the numbers are continually on the increase, with global rates more than doubling over the past 60 years.1

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mom and daughter talking on a couch about mental health challenges

10 Ways to Protect Your Family’s Mental Health

Protecting Your Family’s Mental Health Family is everything. They’re not just the people we love—they’re the people we turn to in moments of distress. They’re our main form of support on difficult days. And they’re often the first to notice when something’s amiss.  Effectively, our family carries us through life’s

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