What Were the Effects of COVID on Teen Mental Health?

In the years since the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s tempting to forget how much it influenced the lives of everyone around the world. There were many obvious negative impacts: people lost their lives, economies were impacted, and healthcare services were put under enormous pressure. But one of the less obvious consequences was the effect of COVID […]

10 Effective Mental Health Activities for Teens

Good mental health in teens generally means that they feel able to cope, recognize their strengths, and manage their emotions – both positive and negative ones. However, if a teenager finds their emotions, thoughts, and actions difficult to cope with, it can affect their ability to enjoy life and achieve goals.  Managing mental health can […]

Physical Abuse

Teen physical abuse

TEEN PHYSICAL ABUSE: SIGNS AND TREATMENT OPTIONS Author: Emma Loker B.S. Editor: Aja Chavez AMFT, APCC CALL (866) 901-4047 INSURANCE VERIFICATION Teen physical abuse is when someone purposefully hurts a teenager. Physical abuse is never OK – and it’s also never the person being abused’s fault. If you or someone you care about is being […]

Sexual Abuse

Teen sexual abuse

WARNING SIGNS OFTEEN SEXUAL ABUSE Author: Emma Loker B.S. Editor: Aja Chavez AMFT, APCC CALL (866) 901-4047 INSURANCE VERIFICATION Teen sexual abuse is a serious public health problem. According to research, approximately one in four girls and one in 20 boys experience sexual abuse – and this abuse is usually committed by someone they know […]

Psychological Trauma

Psychological trauma in teens

A COMPLETE GUIDE TOPSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMAIN TEENs Author: Emma Loker B.S. Editor: Aja Chavez AMFT, APCC CALL (866) 901-4047 INSURANCE VERIFICATION The teenage years can be some of the hardest we go through in life. Teenagers navigate emotional, mental, and physical challenges every day – but teen trauma symptoms can affect their ability to manage these […]

Emotional Abuse

Understanding emotional abuse in teenagers

UNDERSTANDINGEMOTIONAL ABUSEIN TEENAGERS Author: Emma Loker B.S. Editor: Aja Chavez AMFT, APCC CALL (866) 901-4047 INSURANCE VERIFICATION When people hear the word “abuse” they often jump to thinking about physical violence – which makes understanding emotional abuse in teenagers even more important.  It can be difficult for teenagers to understand and recognize emotional abuse; popular […]