Depression can be difficult to cope with by yourself, but there are things you can do to help yourself or a loved one. The following are actions you can take when you feel like things are getting on top of you.
Everyone is different, so what works for some people may not work for you – but trying various activities may help you pinpoint what can be of assistance during times of need.
1. Talk to Someone You Trust
Depression can make you feel isolated and alone – like no one else could understand what you’re going through. But a lot of people experience depression, so talking to someone can help you see that what you’re going through can be understood. You could choose to talk to a parent, caregiver, teacher, mentor, or school nurse; as long as you feel safe in their company, that’s all that matters. If you don’t feel ready to talk to an adult just yet, perhaps consider speaking to a close friend. They may offer to support you when you feel ready to discuss what you’re going through with an adult.
2. Take Every Day Step By Step
Sometimes, depression can make thinking about the day ahead unbearable – like you have an overwhelming amount of tasks to face. If you focus on small steps, such as getting out of bed, taking a shower, and eating breakfast, you can stop yourself from feeling swamped by trying to mentally tackle everything at once. Plus, it’s important to celebrate small wins – no matter how small an action is, if it feels difficult and you still do it, you should be proud of yourself.
3. Find gentle ways to socialize
Socializing can feel exhausting if you have depression. However, withdrawing from friends and family can cause feelings of isolation and loneliness – potentially worsening symptoms of depression. You don’t always have to be “on” when spending time with loved ones; simply watching a movie or playing a video game together still counts as quality time.
4. Stay Active
You don’t have to go to the gym or do an intense workout – even gently moving your body can help manage the symptoms of depression. Perhaps go for a walk, do some stretches, or practice a five-minute Youtube pilates exercise. Exercise in any form can naturally help boost your mood and shift your attention from your thoughts and feelings to the sensations in your body.
5. Find Ways to Relax
It can be hard to relax if you’re experiencing depression – but relaxation techniques can help shift feelings of self-blame and guilt, allowing you to feel more present in the moment. Simply taking a bath or going on a nature walk can be relaxing, but if you struggle to turn off your thoughts during activities such as these, mindfulness and meditation could help. Both of these techniques focus on non-judgmentally experiencing the moment and can help reduce depressive thoughts.
There are many mindfulness techniques. Mindful breathing, for example, can be as simple as just noticing the sound of your breath and how your body feels as you inhale and exhale.
If you or someone you know is showing signs of depression, the techniques mentioned may help. However, it can be difficult to cope with depression by yourself. Therapy for depression can create a strong foundation for coping with the symptoms of depression and creating a bright, positive future.