Overcoming Common Barriers to Mental Health Treatment: What Holds People Back and How to Push Forward
Studies show that up to 80% of teenagers with mental health conditions don’t receive treatment due to barriers preventing them from seeking support.1
If you recognize that your child needs mental health treatment but are encountering obstacles keeping them from receiving it, you’re undoubtedly feeling highly frustrated. It might feel like you’re trying to climb a ladder with your hands tied – you want to reach the top, but getting there feels impossible.
Accessing the right treatment for your child’s mental health is essential for their well-being and recovery. If you’re struggling to figure out how to overcome barriers, professional mental health advice can help.
This article can also work as a guide by discussing:
- The barriers to mental health treatment for teens
- How to overcome obstacles to mental health care
- Reducing stigma around mental health treatment
- How to find help for children despite obstacles
Barriers to Mental Health Treatment for Teens
When left untreated, mental health conditions can seriously affect a teen’s emotional and physical health, relationships, and prospects for the future. Yet, barriers to mental health treatment can prevent teenagers from accessing the support they need to recover.
Understanding these barriers and how they can lead a teen to resist treatment can be the start of knowing how to overcome them. The following are common barriers to seeking mental health treatment.
Stigma often comes from a lack of understanding or fear. However, feeling judged by others can cause teenagers with mental health conditions to feel “less than,” “unworthy,” “contaminated,” or “disgraced.” As a result, a teen may go to great lengths to avoid being judged, shamed, or exposed for having a mental health condition – and might even resist treatment. Stigma is also associated with a reduction in positive outcomes from treatment.2,3
A teenager can “internalize” stigma, meaning that they turn other peoples’ beliefs about mental health inwards, making them feel ashamed about their mental health condition. They may fear being judged by others, especially their peers, which could prevent them from seeking the mental health support they need.4
Mental Health Symptoms:
The symptoms of certain mental health conditions can act as barriers to receiving treatment. For example, a teenager with depression might have a persistent sense of hopelessness, which might lead them to believe that treatment won’t work.
Additionally, if a teen has received treatment in the past and found it to be ineffective, they might be reluctant to try it again.
Lack of Understanding of Mental Health Conditions:
Research has shown that many members of the public struggle to recognize the symptoms of mental health conditions and psychological distress. This lack of understanding means that they might not realize when a mental health issue is present or what causes them – meaning they may not seek treatment. Additionally, a lot of the most accessible mental health information can be misleading, suggesting that people might be misinformed about their experiences. This can be a barrier to receiving the right form of treatment.5
Limited Support:
When a teen feels like they have no one to turn to, or that the people around them won’t understand or will judge them for what they’re going through, they can feel isolated and lonely. Withdrawal and isolation can become a barrier to treatment as a teen might not feel they “deserve” to get better or may not have someone to guide them towards the right support.6
A Lack of Trust in Professionals:
In recent years, there’s been a drop in public trust in professionals and institutions. As a result of a lack of trust, teens may not want to receive mental health treatment as they might not want to open up and share personal information.7,8
Additionally, people from certain racial or ethnic groups might not seek treatment if they feel like a professional can’t understand their background, culture, and experiences. This is reflected in studies around groups who seek treatment, with white people being more likely to receive support than Black or Hispanic.9
Difficulty Accessing Treatment:
According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, nearly half of the U.S. population lives in areas with a documented mental health resources shortage. Therefore, difficulty accessing treatment can be a major barrier to getting help for many teens. While a lot of families who live in rural areas might struggle to travel for treatment, teens who live in urban areas might be faced with long waitlists. Mental health conditions require timely intervention, so difficulty accessing treatment can be a concern for many families.10,11
Financial Barriers to Mental Health Care:
The cost of mental health treatment is frequently a major concern for families – and is a barrier to receiving support. Mental health treatment can be costly, and this cost can increase for certain conditions. Additionally, the cost of treatment can lead to people dropping out of treatment when they have not yet fully recovered.12
Time Constraints:
Teenagers and parents often have hectic school, work, and recreation schedules. Families may struggle to align assessment and therapy appointment times with their busy lives, which can lead to increased stress and even contribute to mental health symptoms. Therefore, many people report “time” to be a significant barrier to receiving therapy.13
Each of these steps can help families push past common barriers to mental health treatment. However, stigma remains one of the biggest obstacles to receiving treatment. While accessing reputable information on mental health conditions and speaking to a mental health professional can reduce stigma, there are some other actions you can take.
Overcoming Obstacles to Mental Health Care
Each of the barriers to accessing mental health treatment can prevent a teen from getting the support they need. The following are ways that you can push past these obstacles.
Speak to a Teen About Their Concerns
If a teenager is worried about issues such as stigma and treatment not working or is feeling ashamed or guilty about needing treatment, speaking to them about their concerns can help. Figuring out why they think the way they do can help you get to the root cause of the issue.
For example, if they’re feeling guilty or ashamed, you can explain that their symptoms are the result of their biology, genetics, and experiences – they are not to blame. Likewise, if they think that treatment won’t work for them, you could highlight that this belief might be a symptom of their condition. Talking to your child about what they’re going through can also help them feel supported and validated.
Access Trusted Information on Mental Health
Reliable information on mental health conditions can help teens and families accurately understand where mental health issues come from, how they affect emotions and actions – and how to seek support. Further, factual information on mental health can also reduce the effects of stigma and shame.
Government and research organizations can provide detailed information on mental health conditions and the best options for treatment. These include the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Speaking to a mental health professional also guarantees you’ll be given accurate, up-to-date information about conditions and the best approaches for treating them.
Consider Flexible Treatment Options
There are more flexible treatment options in recent years than previously. For instance, for someone who struggles to access or find time for treatment, virtual therapy sessions are an option. Additionally, if outpatient therapy isn’t intensive enough for a teen’s needs, traveling for residential treatment might be an option. Traveling for therapy can have a range of benefits, including immersive treatment, removal from everyday stress, and 24-hour support. A mental health professional can talk parents and teens through these options.
Learn About Confidentiality
If a teenager is worried about sharing personal information, or has a lack of trust in professionals, explaining the concept of confidentiality can help. Confidentiality in mental health means that what a teen says in therapy sessions will be kept private and secure. In fact, confidentiality in mental health is considered to be a human right and necessary for successful recovery. A mental health professional will only share information disclosed in therapy if they believe that a teen poses a risk to their own safety or someone else’s. They might also share what’s said if they think there’s ongoing abuse or if they’re court-ordered.
Talk to a Mental Health Professional
Speaking to a mental health professional about your concerns and any barriers preventing you or your child from accessing treatment can be highly useful. Mental health professionals are very familiar with the barriers to treatment that teens and their families often face, which means they can make accommodations for their specific needs. They can explain treatment options, what to do if your child is resisting treatment, and how to manage financial issues. Involving your child in these discussions can also empower them to better recognize their issues and make the right decisions for their health.
Each of these steps can help families push past common barriers to mental health treatment. However, stigma remains one of the biggest obstacles to receiving treatment. While accessing reputable information on mental health conditions and speaking to a mental health professional can reduce stigma, there are some other actions you can take.
Reducing Stigma Around Mental Health Treatment for Kids
The following steps can help a teenager overcome the effects of stigma:
- Join a peer support group: A teenager might feel like a mental health issue makes them “different” from other people their age. Joining a support group can help them understand that teenagers their age also go through similar problems and learn healthy coping techniques – reducing stigma as a result.
- Explain stigma: Discuss what stigma is with your child and how it comes from a lack of understanding of mental health conditions. Letting your teen know that other peoples’ opinions aren’t based on facts can help them recognize that there’s nothing to feel ashamed about and can encourage them to seek help.
In addition to these steps, perhaps the best way to reduce the effects of stigma is to encourage professional mental health treatment. A teen might fear being “labeled” with a mental health condition, but a professional can help them understand the causes of their symptoms and talk to them about treatment options.
Therapy Options for Teen Mental Health:
A professional will likely discuss the option of CBT with you and your child. CBT is both popular and effective in the treatment of a range of mental health conditions as it works by targeting teens’ thoughts and actions. Through this, it helps identify negative patterns and helps teens build healthy ways of coping. As a result of CBT, teens can more clearly understand their condition and challenge stigma.
Interpersonal therapy:
Interpersonal therapy can help teenagers tackle any social issues that could be contributing to their mental health issues. It helps teens and families work through communication issues and figure out better ways of coping to improve their mental health.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation:
TMS can be effective in treating treatment-resistant mental health conditions. It’s a non-invasive therapy that uses magnetic fields to activate nerve cells in targeted areas of the brain – improving outlook and mood.
A mental health professional can also talk about the option of delivering these therapies in an outpatient or residential program depending on your child’s needs. If finances are a barrier to receiving treatment, a professional can also discuss how to navigate this issue.
Finding Help for Children Despite Obstacles
If you’re encountering obstacles to receiving mental health treatment, but recognize that this is something your child needs, you might be feeling very frustrated and scared for your child’s well-being.
Mission Prep can help you overcome obstacles to receiving treatment. We treat a range of different teen mental health conditions in various locations, so are very familiar with helping families push past barriers to accessing the right support. Our team is available 24/7 to answer any concerns – even if you decide that our programs aren’t suitable for your child’s needs. Contact us to learn more.
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